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Fast Facts About Peace Arch Hospice Society


Did you know…

We Provide:

  • professional counselling for individuals, their families and friends – free of charge
  • a variety of individual and group bereavement programs
  • specially trained Hospice Society volunteers who: support palliative & grief clients, provide vigil support as a person nears life’s end, facilitate various groups, cover our reception desk and help at the Society’s annual events and Third-Party Events
  • a lending library of books and resource materials


In the most recent fiscal year ending March 31st, 2021:

  • our Registered Clinical Counsellors saw 498 Adult Clients and 52 Child Clients for a total of 929 sessions
  • 6 children attended our one, 2-day Children’s Grief Support Camp
  • we had 689 attendees at our various bereavement support groups (walking, grief, mindfulness etc.)
  • our organization reached 208 individuals in our community through educational support
  • 138 of our Client and Auxiliary Volunteers contributed 2,760 hours to our Programs and Services
  • our Volunteers touched the lives of 165 Clients in our community through 1-1 grief support sessions
  • our Reception Team contributed 1,072 hours at our Supportive Care Centre greeting our clients, answering the telephone, setting up rooms for programs, and more
  • our Volunteers contributed 478 hours to our Celebrate-a- Life Event (Hike for Hospice & Hospice Hoedown were cancelled due to Covid)
  • 115 Thrift Store Volunteers contributed 15,383 hours in support of our Programs and Services

(all revenue generated from our Thrift Store goes towards programs, services, and the operation our Supportive Care Centre)

Where to Find Us

Title Address Description
Peace Arch Hospice Society
15435 16a Ave, Surrey, BC V4A 1T2, Canada

Supportive Care Centre
15435 16a Ave Surrey, BC V4A 1T2
Tel. 604-531-7484 Open Monday through Friday 9am - 4pm
Email: contactus@pahospicesociety.org

Peace Arch Hospice Society Thrift Store
15562 24 Ave #2a, Surrey, BC V4A 2J5, Canada

15562 24th Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2J5
Tel: 604-538-7600
Email: thriftstore@pahospicesociety.org

Store Hours
Mon. – Sat. 10am – 4pm
Closed Sundays & Statutory Holidays

Peace Arch Hospice Society

15435 - 16A Avenue, South Surrey
British Columbia, Canada V4A 1T2
Tel. 604-531-7484

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