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Category Fitness

Archive-360 Strong Fitness Challenge

The 360 Strong Fitness Challenge will be held on Sunday, August 18th, 2019!  This is a family fun event benefiting the Peace Arch Hospice Society.  Everyone had such a great time last year we hope you can join us this year!  Register by emailing 360STRONGFITNESSCHALLENGE@GMAIL.COM




















360 Strong Fitness Challenge Raises the Bar in Generosity

The 2nd Annual 360 Strong Fitness Challenge, hosted by Galbraith Training Systems at Centennial Park, was  great success!  We are so honoured and proud to be the recipients of over $3000 which raised for our Programs and Services!  It is because of the generosity of people  like Karen and Chris of Galbraith Training Systems that we are able to offer our programs and services free of charge to those in our community who are grieving the loss of a loved one.  We are ever so grateful.  Thank you!




360 Strong Fitness Challenge!

Join us at the 2nd Annual 360 Strong Fitness Challenge hosted by Galbraith Training Systems at Centennial Park. The Fitness Challenge is open to people 13 years and up and there is a special Kids Challenge too for those 5 – 12 years.  Come show us what you got!




Where to Find Us

Title Address Description
Peace Arch Hospice Society
15435 16a Ave, Surrey, BC V4A 1T2, Canada

Supportive Care Centre
15435 16a Ave Surrey, BC V4A 1T2
Tel. 604-531-7484 Open Monday through Friday 9am - 4pm
Email: contactus@pahospicesociety.org

Peace Arch Hospice Society Thrift Store
15562 24 Ave #2a, Surrey, BC V4A 2J5, Canada

15562 24th Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2J5
Tel: 604-538-7600
Email: thriftstore@pahospicesociety.org

Store Hours
Mon. – Sat. 10am – 4pm
Closed Sundays & Statutory Holidays

Peace Arch Hospice Society

15435 - 16A Avenue, South Surrey
British Columbia, Canada V4A 1T2
Tel. 604-531-7484

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